Learning through my story book Beach

It's been very busy at school the last few weeks. The children have had so much fun getting ready for Xmas. We have been talking about the weather and the seasons. The children enjoyed listening to my book Beach and imagining they were somewhere in the warm sunshine. We talked about which countries have a sunny warm Christmas and which have a cold snowy Christmas and which ones have something in between.
The children were making comparisons and learning about similarities and differences.
The children played with the Beach story box and were intrigued about the dolphins. We looked up some fun facts about dolphins;
Dolphins are carnivores.
Dolphins can swim more than 20 mph.
A group of dolphins is called a pod.
Dolphins communicate through clicking and whistling sounds as well as through flipper and tail flapping.
The children loved pretending to be dolphins afterwards.
Some of the children went to do some junk modelling too. They decorated some cardboard cylinders with blue and white tissue paper. They put a little scrunched newspaper inside and added some dry rice and dry pasta. They taped the ends of the cylinders. When they turned them over, they sounded like crashing waves on the beach. We called them wave makers! The children are exploring and combining media expressively.
Happy Christmas everyone!

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